Français |
Nufi |
English |
– A – | ||
Accepter | Nmben | Accept (to) |
Accompagner | Ncah | Accompany (to) |
Accoucher | Nzi | Give birth (to) |
Accrocher | Ncoh/Nca | Hang on/up (to) |
Accuser | Nkom | Accuse (to) |
Acheter | Njwen | Buy (to) |
Additionner | Nshwi’ | Add (to) |
Adulte | Njwatl? | Adult |
Age | Ngu’nz? | Age |
Aider | Nkosi | Help (to) |
Aiguille | S?’ | Needle |
Aiguiser | Nshwi? | Sharpen (to) |
Aimer | Nkwu’ni | Love (to) |
Ajouter | Nshwi’ | Add |
Aliéner | Nkiket | alienate (to) |
Aller | Ngen | Go (to) |
Allo | W?yah | Hello |
Allumer | Nshwiah | Light (to) |
Amener | Ndah ns?’ | Bring (to) |
Amère | Ndhi | Bitter |
Ami | Sen | Friend |
Amour | Nkwe’ni | Love |
An/année | Ngu’ | Year |
Ananas | La’ | Pineapple |
Ancêtre | M?ganzh?’ | Ancestor |
Ancien/vieux | Mven | Old |
Animal | N?h | Animal |
Antilope | Ngah | Antelope |
Anus | Mbokten | Ass |
Apparaître | N?wah | Appear (to) |
Appeler | Nceh | Call (to) |
Applaudir | Mbu’mbo | Applaud (to) |
Apprendre | Nzhi’si | Learn (to) |
Appuyer | Nno’ | Push (to)/Press (to) |
Arachide | Mbiya’ | Peanut |
Arbre | Th? | Tree |
Arracher | Ns?’/Nco’ | Take (to) by force/Uproot (to) |
Arrêter(s’) | Nten | Stop (to) |
Arriver | Nkwen | Arrive (to) / Reach (to) |
Asseoir | Nsisie | Sit (to) |
Assiette | Nka’ | Dish/Pan |
Association | Nkweesi | Association |
Attacher | Nkwat | Attach (to) |
Attaquer | Ncaknca’ | Attack (to) |
Attendre | Mbi?h | Wait (to) |
Attention | P?h | Attention |
Attiser | Mfuah | Stir up (to) |
Attraper | Ngooh | Catch (to) |
Aucun | S?hwen | No one |
Augmenter | Nshwi’ | Increase (to) |
Aujourd’hui | Ze’e | Today |
Autel | Atah | Altar |
Autre | Mo’ | Other |
Autrefois | Mo’ntie’ | Another time |
Avaler | MMi | Swallow (to) |
Avancer | Ngenmbhi | Advance (to) |
Avant de | T? | Before |
Avant-hier | Njamnz?wah | Before Yesterday |
Avec | Pi | With |
Avocat | Sh??nd?k | Avocado |
Avoir | Ng? | Have (to) |
– B – | ||
Bagarre | Nkwah | Fight |
Bailler | Nj?h | Yawn (to) |
Balader | Ndah Nkahsi | Take for a walk (to) |
Balai | Nsa’nd?? | Bloom |
Balancer | Hamsi | Swing (to) |
Bambou | Ndak | Bamboo |
Baton | Nsh?h | Stick |
Battre | Mvam | Beat (to) |
Bavarder | Njwahsi | Gossip (to)/Chatter (to) |
Beaucoup | Y?h | Much/Many |
Bébé | Moofi | Baby |
Beignet | Makala | Donut |
Bénir | Njo’si | Bless (to) |
Bercer | Ndhi/Nkomsi | Rock (to)/Lull (to) |
Bien/bon | Pe’ | Good |
Bientôt | Mend?’ | Soon |
Blanc | F?htap | White |
Blessure | Mfak | Injury/Wound |
Buf | He’ | Beef/Ox |
Boire | Nnu | Dink (to) |
Bondir | Ndat | Jump (to) |
Bonjour | Nz?leeh | Good morning |
Bonsoir | O v?h | Good Evening |
Bouche | Nshu | Mouth |
Boue | Nt?toh | Mud |
Bouillir | Pen? | Boil (to) |
Branche | Poth? | Branch |
Briser | Mb??’ | Break (to) |
Bruler | Ntooh | Burn (to) |
– C – | ||
Cacher | Nd?h | Hide (to) |
Cadavre | Mfh? | Dead body |
Cadet | Nga’njam | Younger |
Cahier | Pu’nc?h | Copy book |
Canne a sucre | Kuku’ | Sugar cane |
Carrefour | Nt?’nzhi | Crossroad |
Casser | Ncat/Mb??’ | Break (to)/Crack (to) |
Cendre | Mv? | Ash |
Cent | Nkh? | Hundred |
Cerveau | Nj?’tu | Brain |
Chacun | Mb?w?l? | Each one |
Chagrin | Nzenzen | Grief |
Chaise | Lak | Chair |
Chambre | Nto’nd?? | Room |
Champ | Ko | Field |
Champignon | Po’ | Mushroom |
Chance | Zih/Mbe’zih | Chance |
Changer | Ncop | Change (to) |
Chanson | Nshi | Song |
Chanter | Njohnshi | Sing (to) |
Chapeau | Sh??’ | Hat |
Chaque jour | Nkweelie’ | Every day |
Charbon | Shishiemoh | Charcoal |
Chasse | Mv??h | Hunting |
Chasser | Njokv??h | Hunt (to) |
Chasser quelqu?un | Njokwen | Hunt someone |
Chat | Ngoondom | Cat |
Chatouiller | N?a’si | tickle (to) |
Chaud | Ndom | Hot |
Chauffer | Ndomsi | Heat (to) |
Chaussure | Ncat | Shoe |
Chaux | Mb?? | Whitewash |
Chef | F?? | Chief |
Chemin | M?nzhi | Path |
Chenille | Nunu | Caterpillar |
Chercher | Ncah | Seek |
Cher/Chère | Ntenmvak | Dear |
Cheval | Lak | Horse |
Cheveux | Noktu | Hair |
Chèvre | Mvi | Goat |
Chez | Wu | At/to |
Chez nous | Wu p?h | At our house/At our place |
Chiche | Ng??’ | Selfish |
Chien | Mv?? | Dog |
Chier | Nni | Chit (to) |
Chimpanzé | Pu’nkoh | Chimpanzee |
Chose | Wu | Thing |
Chuter | Nco | Fall (to) |
Ciel | Phu | Sky/Heaven |
Cinq | Tii | Five |
Cinquante | Poo tii | Fifty |
Ciseaux | Sisiasi | Scissors |
Clair/propre | Ndeh | Clean |
Clamer son innocence | Njooh | Pleading non guilty |
Clé | Kind?? | Key |
Climat | Nd?h | Climate/Weather |
Clou | T?h | Nail |
Clouer | Nshwih | Nail (to) |
Cochon | Ng?n?h | Pig/Pork |
Cur | Mba’ntam | Heart |
Cogiter | Mm?hsi | Cogitate (to) |
Cogner | Ncam | Hit |
Colère | Ya’nth? | Anger |
Coller | Ndiah | Glue (to)/Stick (to) |
Colline | K?kak/Shwen | Hill |
Combien | S?’? | How much |
Comme | P?’ | Like |
Commencer | Nto’ | Begin (to) |
Comment | M?lah | How |
Compter | Nsah | Count (to) |
Concasser | Nthi | Crush |
Conclusion | Nshwiatak | Conclusion |
Concours | Kh?’si | Exam |
Concurrence | Ma’ | Competition |
Conseil | Nt? | Advice |
Conseiller quelqu’un | Nt?wen | Advise (to) |
Conséquence | Piih | Consequence |
Continuer | Ngen mbhi | Continue (to) |
Coq | K??’ | Cock/Rooster |
Corbeille | K?h | Basket |
Corde | Kh? | Rope |
Corne | Nde’ | Horn |
Corps | F?’na | Body |
Corriger | Ntehmbia | Correct (to) |
Cote de | Ngak | Near |
Coton | Nd??h | Cotton |
Cou | Tite’ | Neck |
Coucher | Nne’ | Lay down (to) |
Coudre | Ntam | Stitch/Sew |
Coupe-coupe | Nni | Machete |
Couper | Ncweh | Chop/Cut |
Cour | Nshund?? | Court/Yard |
Courageux | Shwinawen | Courageous |
Courir | Nk??nd?? | Run (to) |
Course | Nkhund?? | Race trip |
Court | Mv? | Short |
Couteau | Pie | Knife |
Coutume | Mah/Keh | Custom |
Couvercle | Kop | Cover |
Couvrir | Nkopsi | Cover (to) |
Crabe | K?h | Crab |
Crachat | Ntie/K?kah | Spit |
Cracher | Nt?hntie | Spit (to) |
Craie | Mb?? | Chalk |
Craner | Ntoah/Nk?’si | Defy (to) |
Creuser | Ntok | Dig (to) |
Crier | Nte’/Nshwih | Scream (to) |
Crochet | Ngoh | Hook |
Croire | Nben | Believe (to) |
Croiser | Mbom | Cross (to)/Meet (to) |
Croitre | Nshwi | Grow up (to) |
Croix | Fa’ | Cross |
Croquer | Mfat | Munch/Sketch |
Cru | Mb? | Raw |
Cueillir | Nk??h | Gather/Pick |
Cuillère | Lu’ | Spoon |
Cuisine | Nd??l?h | Kitchen |
Cuit | Phi | Cooked/Done |
Cultiver | Nz?’n?? | Cultivate |
– D – | ||
Dame | Nzhwie | Lady |
Dame-jeanne | Njok | Demijohn |
Damier | Nd?’ | Checker |
Danser | Nzennshi | Dance (to) |
Date | Lie’nz? | Date |
Debout | Nlosie | Stand up |
Débrouiller (se) | N?ah | Find a way (to)/Manage (to) |
Débroussailler | Nt?h | Clear the underground from (to) |
Débuter | Nto’ | Start (to) |
Décembre | Klisimi | December |
Déchausser | Nco’ ncat | Take off shoes (to) |
Déchiqueter | Sie’si/Nshi’si | Hack (to)/Tear to shreds (to) |
Déchirer | Hah | Tear (to) |
Dedans | M?/Ntam | In/Inside |
Défaut | Mbia | Defect |
Dehors | Nz? | Outside |
Déjà | Ya’ | Already |
Déjeuner | Nshuantie | Breakfast |
Demain | F?hnz?/Waha | Tomorrow |
Demander | Nte’si | Ask (to) |
Demi | Kam k?nd?k | Half |
Demoiselle | Ngoo | Miss |
Dent | Se’ | Toot |
Dépanner ou réparer | Nn?ah | Repair (to)/Fix (to) |
Dépasser | Nsh?? | Go beyond (to) |
Dépêcher (se) | M?wah | Hurry up (to) |
Déplacer | Mf?’si | Move (to)/Shift (to) |
Déplier | Nshie’ | Unfold (to) |
Déposer | Nj?hnsie | Put down (to) |
Déranger | Ngatnz?’ | Disturb (to) |
Dernier | Ndehsiwen | Last |
Dernier né | Ncatmoo | Last born |
Derrière | Njam | Behind |
Descendre | Mfi’ | Go down (to) |
Désert | Yomkwa’ | Desert |
Déshabiller | Nco’ndhi | Undress (to) |
Dessous | Ten/Fensie | Under |
Dessus | Ndom | Over |
Détacher | Nshie’ | Undo (to)/Untie (to) |
Détester | Mbeh | Hate (to)/Detest (to) |
Détruire | H??h/Mbamsi | Destroy (to) |
Dette | Njo | Dept |
Deuil | Wu?h | Mourning |
Deux | P?? | Two |
Devant | Mbhi | In front of |
Devenir | Nji?h | Become (to) |
Déverser | Mfi’/Mfat | Poor of (to)/Dump (to) |
Devoir | Mf?’ | Duty |
Diarrhée | Thuthu | Diarrhea |
Dictée | Yu’ntie | Dictation |
Dieu | Mboo/Sie | God |
Difficile | Gh?’/Ten | Difficult |
Dire | Ng?? | Say (to) |
Diviser | Ng?h | Divide (to) |
Dix | Gham | Ten |
Dix-huit | Ncoh h?? moo | Eighteen |
Doigt | Ntupo | Finger |
Domicile | Mbee | Residence |
Donner | Nh? | Give (to) |
Dorloter | Nh?nko’ | Pamper (to) |
Dormir | Ndieh | Sleep (to) |
Dos | Nkoo | Back |
Doucement | Nd?’nd?’ | Gently/Softly/Smoothly |
Douze | Ncoh p?? moo | Twelve |
Droit | Nk?ndak | Straight |
Dur | Ng?’ | Hard |
Durée | Nsi | Duration |
– E – | ||
Ecaille | Gh?’ | Scale (fish) |
Echanger | Ncop | Exchange (to) |
Eclairer | Nd?’ | Illuminate (to)/Light (to) |
Ecole | Suku | School |
Ecolier | Nga’?w?’ni | Student |
Ecorce | Nk?p | Bark/Crust/Peel |
Ecouter | Nju’ | Listen (to) |
Ecraser | Ngo’/Nziahsi | Crush (to)/Run over (to) |
Ecrire | N?w?’ | Write (to) |
Ecureuil | Nk?d?k | Squirrel |
Effacer | Nshuah | Blot out (to)/Erase (to) |
Efforcer (s’) | N?ah/Nshwina | Try hard to (to) |
Egal | Nk?ndak | Equal |
Egoïste | Ng??’ | Egoist |
Egorger | Nti’mi | Cut the throat of (to) |
Egrener | Njap | Pick off (to) |
Election | Nto’nto’ | Election |
Eléphant | S?? | Elephant |
Elève | Nga’?w?’ni | Student |
Elle | A | She |
Embrasser | Nkoksi/Nta’si | Embrace (to)/Kiss (to) |
Emprunter | Ho | Borrow (to) |
Enchainer | Nc?k | Chain (to) |
Encore | Mbat | Again |
Endroit | Nz?’ | Place |
Enfant | Moo/Men | Child/Infant |
Enfanter | Nzimoo | Give birth to (to) |
Enfermer | Nzh??’ | Lock up (to) |
Enfler | Ngu’/Nn??h | Swell (to) |
Enfoncer | Nso | Break in (to)/Drive in (to) |
Engagement | Pen nu | Engagement |
Ennemi | Nga’pee | Enemy |
Ennui | Nganga | Annoyance |
Enseigner | Nsiesi | Teach (to) |
Entendre | Nju’ | Hear (to) |
Entrer | Nco/Nkwen | Enter (to) |
Envie | Nzhie/Nzhiewu | Envy |
Envoyer | Ncah | Send (to) |
Eparpiller | Ntahsi | Scatter |
Epilepsie | W?’ | Epilepsy |
Epine | Njwe’ | Thorn |
Eplucher | Njam | Peel (to) |
Epouser | Nd?h | Marry (to) |
Erreur | Hee | Error |
Escargot | Nt?’ | Snail |
Essuyer | Nshuah | Dry (to)/Mop up (to) |
Et | Pi | And |
Eteindre | Mbeh | Put out (to)/Turn or switch off (to) |
Eternuer | Ncweh/Njaksi | Sneeze (to) |
Etoile | Sa’ | Star |
Eux | Po | Them |
Eviter | Mb?h | Avoid (to) |
Exemple | Fohni | Example |
Exercice | Mf?’ | Exercise |
– F – | ||
Fâcher (se) | Nja’th? | Get angry (to) |
Facile | Yahlee | Easy |
Façon | Mb?? | Way/Manner |
Façonner | Mbooh | Make (to) |
Fade | Pah | Tasteless |
Fagot | Nzak | Bundle of sticks |
Faim | Nzhieku’ | Hunger |
Fainéant | Nde’ | Idler/Lazy |
Faire | Ng? | Do (to) |
Fantôme | Yehwen | Phantom |
Fatiguer | Mbu?h | Tire (to) |
Félicitation | Pen | Congratulation |
Femme | M?nzhwie | Woman |
Fendre | Nsee | Split (to)/Cut through |
Fenêtre | Mboknd?? | Window |
Fer | Nten? | Iron |
Fermer | Nzh??’ | Close (to) |
Fesse | Ten | Buttock |
Fête | Ca’si | Feast |
Fétiche | Ncoh | Fetish |
Feu | Moh | Fire |
Feu (défunt) | Mfh? | Deceased/Late |
Feuille | Nc?h/Pahhu | Paper/Leaf |
Ficeler | Nkwat | Tie up (to) |
Figure | Si | Face |
Fil | Nd??h | Thread |
File | ?ka’ | File/Line/Queue |
Fille | Mengoo | Girl |
Fils | Moo yi mba’ | Son |
Filtrer | Nc?h/Nc?hsi | Filter (to) |
Fini | Mie | Finished |
Finir | Mmi? | Finish (to) |
Flatter | Mbahsi | Flatter (to) |
Fleur | Ns?h | Flower |
Ftus | Ndiahsi | Embryo |
Fois | Cam | Time |
Folie | P??h | Delusion/Folly |
Folle | Mb??h | Crazy about |
Fonctionnaire | Nga’f?’ gomna | Civil servant/Official |
Football | Mbo’nkhu | Soccer |
Force | Ng?’ | Force |
Forcer | Nehwen | Force (to) |
Forger | Nd?h | Forge (to) |
Forgeron | Nthil?h | Smith |
Fort | Nshwitok | Strong |
Fouetter | Mvam | Whip (to)/Flog (to)/Wisk (to) [Eggs] |
Fourmi | Ndh? | Ant |
Foyer | Ntihmoh | Hearth |
Français | Flansi | French |
Frapper | Ncam | Strike (to) |
Fréquenter | Ngee | Frequent (to)/See (to) |
Frère | Menm?h | Brother |
Frigo | Nd??foh | Refrigerator |
Frimer | Nk?’si/Ntuah | Show off (to) |
Frire | Nka’ | Fry (to) |
Froid | Foh | Cold |
Frontière | Ndh? | Border/Frontier |
Fruit | Nt?hnth? | Fruit |
Fuir | Nk??h | Flee (to) |
Fumée | Ndhimoh | Smoke |
Funérailles (faire les) | Ndeewu?h | Memorial |
Fusil | Ngah | Gun |
Fusiller | Ntamngah | Shoot (to) |
Futur | Ntie’s?’ | Future |
– G – | ||
Gagner | Nz? | Winn (to) |
Garçon | Mba’ | Boy/Man |
Garder | Ndo’ | Keep (to) |
Gardien | Mbiahnz?’ | Keeper/Guard |
Gâter | Mbopsi | Spoil (to) |
Gauche | Coh | Left |
Gazelle | Ngah | Gazelle |
Géant | Nsh?hnsh?h | Giant |
Gémir | Ncen | Groan (to)/Lament (to)/Moan (to) |
Gendre | Nsi | Son-in-law |
Gêner | Ngat | Bother (to)/Hamper (to) |
Génération | Ngweh | Generation |
Généreux | Mbe’nth? | Generous |
Genoux | Zok | Knee |
Gens | P??nok | People |
Gentil | Njahnth? | Kind/Nice/Pretty |
– H – | ||
Habile | Sihee | Clever/Skillful |
Habit | Ndhi | Suit/Dress coat/Coat |
Habitation | Z?’si | Dwelling/Habitation/Housing |
Habiter | Ns? | Inhabit (to) |
Hache | Nj?h | Axe |
Haricot | Nkwen | Bean |
Harmonie | Pomsi | Harmony |
Hâte | Waha | Haste/Hurry |
Haut | Th? | Up |
Hauteur | Nth? | Hill |
Hérédité | Nkh?nsi | Heredity/Inheritance |
Hibou | Z?’ | Owl |
Hippopotame | S??nshi | Hippopotamus |
Histoire | Kw?n??moo | History |
Homme | Wenok/Mba’ | Man |
Hôpital | Nd??hu | Hospital |
Hôtel | Peend?? | Hotel |
Houe | Nsoven | Shovel |
Hutte | Nkanga | Hut/Shanty |
Hydraté | M? nshi na | Moisturized |
– I – | ||
Ici | See | Here |
Idée | Nkwa’si | Idea |
Idiot | Nkiken | Idiot |
Igname | Ku’/L??’ | Yam |
Imiter | Mf??’si | Imitate (to) |
Imparfait | Ntie’toh | Past perfect |
Incliner | Mbeh | Incline (to) |
Indépendance | Ndip??h | Independence |
Indiquer | Nsieh | Indicate (to) |
Insecte | Sisie’ntee | Insect |
Insulter | Ndok/Nc?nshu | Insult (to) |
Intelligence | Zhinu | Intelligence |
Intelligent | Nzhinu | Intelligent |
Interdiction | Nsh??’ | Interdiction |
Intérieur | Mu/Ntam | Inside |
Interrogation | Nte’sinu | Interrogation |
Interroger | Nte’si | Interrogate (to) |
Intestin | Nto | Intestine |
Inventer | N??hnt??h | Invent (to) |
Inviter | Nceh | Invite (to) |
– J – | ||
Jalousie | Nd?? | Jealousy |
Jaloux | Nga’nd?? | Jealous |
Jamais | Sil?’mb? | Never |
Jeter | Ngw?’ | Throw away (to) |
Jeux | S?? | Game |
Jeune | Ngwehwen | Young |
Jouer | Ng?s?? | Play |
Jour | Lie’ | Day |
Journaliste | Sienken | Journalist |
Juge | Nd?’nca’ | Judge |
Juger | Nd?’ | Judge (to) |
Jujube | Nd?ndam | Jujube |
Jumeaux | Pooni | Twins |
Jurer | Nungu | Swear |
– K – | ||
Karaté | Nkuambonehe | Karate |
Kilo | Na nc?’ | Kilo |
Kola | Phi | Kola |
– L – | ||
Laisser | Nnak | Release (to) |
Lampe | Nk?’/Lambo | Lamp |
Lancer | Mm?’ | Throw (to) |
Langue | Lam | Language |
La ou le voici | Yaa bee | Here it is |
La ou le Voila | Yaa bii | There it is |
Larme | Nshin?h | Tear |
Laver | Nsoh | Wash (to) |
Lêcher | Nzak | Lick (to) |
Leçon | Siesi | Lesson |
Légende | Nini l?’si | Legend |
Léger | Njah | Light/Weak |
Légume | Nj?? | Vegetable |
Lendemain | Njamnz? waha/Njamnz? Wooh | Day after |
Lent | Nnii | Slow |
Lentement | Nd?’nd?’ | Slowly |
Lequel | Yah | Which |
Lettre/Alphabet | ?w?’ni/N?h?w?’ni | Letter/Alphabet |
Leur | Y?? | Their |
Lever | Ndosie | Lift (to)/Raise (to) |
Lèvre | K?kopnshu | Lip |
Lézard | M?k?pah | Lizard |
Liane | Ndh?? | Bramble/Wire |
Lieux | Nz?’ | Place |
Ligne | ?ka’ | Line |
Ligoter | Nkwat | Tie up (to) |
Limer | Nshwi?h | File (to)/Polish (to) |
Lion | N?hsim?’ | Lion |
Lire | Nceh | Read (to) |
Lit | Kwend?? | Bed |
Livre | Pu’?w?’ni | Book |
Loi | Nsh??’ | Law |
Long | Sah | Long |
Lourd | Nzat | Heavy |
Luciole | Sa’ | Little star (insect) |
Lui | Y??h | Him |
Lumière | Nk?’ | Light |
Lune | M??u | Moon |
Lunette | Yiisi | Eye glass |
Lutte | Nkwah | Fight |
Lutter | Nt??’nkwah | Fight (to) |
– M – | ||
Ma/Mon | Ya | My |
Mâcher | Nk?? | Chew (to) |
Machette | Nni | Machete |
Maçon | Nkwatmbe’ | Bricklayer/Mason |
Magicien | Nga’s?? | Magician |
Magie | S?? | Magic |
Main | Po | Hand |
Mais | Nd?’m? | But |
Maïs | Ngofat | Corn/Maize |
Maison | Nd?? | House |
Mal | Sipe’ | Bad |
Malade | Ngoo | Ill/Sick |
Maladie | Ghoo | Illness/Sickness |
Malchanceux | P?hzi | Unlucky |
Malédiction | Ndoo | Curse |
Maman | M?h | Mama/Mom |
Mamelle | Pen | Breast |
Manger | Nz? | Eat (to) |
Manioc | K?sala | Cassava |
Marché | Ntee | Market |
Marcher | Nnak | Walk (to) |
Mari | Ndu | Husband |
Mariage | L?hnd?? | Marriage |
Marmite | Cak | Pot |
Mars | Mbakngofat | March |
Masser | Nset | Massage (to) |
Matin | F?hnz? | Morning |
Maudire | Njoo | Curse (to) |
Médecin | Nga’ka’ | Doctor/Physician |
Médisance | Nd?h | Scandal/Slander/Gossip |
Mélanger | Nkwehsi | Mix (to)/Blend (to) |
Même | Mb? | Same/Very |
Mendiant | Ndoondih | Beggar |
Mensonge | Shuahnu | Lie |
Merci | Mben | Thank |
Mère | M?h | Mother |
Mesure | F??’ | Measure |
Mesurer | Mf??’ | Measure (to) |
Mettre | Nj?h | Put (to) |
Midi | Nj?hnam | Noon |
Miel | Ndh??w?’ | Honey |
Milieu | Cicah | Middle |
Mille | Nc?’ | Thousand |
Mille-pattes | Ngwe’ngwe’ | Millipede |
Million | Nshu’ | Million |
Mince | ?a’ | Slender/Thin/Slight |
Miracle | Sh??nu | Miracle |
Miroir | Yiisi | Mirror |
Misère | Ng??’ | Misery |
Moi | M? | Me |
Mois | M??u | Month |
Moitie | Kam k?ndak | Half |
Moment | Ntie’ | Moment |
Mon | Ya | My |
Monde | Ngwe’ | World |
Montagne | Kwe’ | Mountain |
Monter | Nko’ | Climb (to) |
Montre | Nam | Clock/Watch |
Montrer | Nd?’si | Show (to) |
Morceau | Kam/Pah | Piece/Bit/Scrap |
Mordre | Ndom | Bite (to) |
Mort | Wu? | Death |
Mortier | Zak | Mortar |
Mou | Puah | Soft |
Mouche | Nzhinzhi | Fly |
Mouchoir | Fifat | Handkerchief |
Mouiller | Ndat | Soak (to)/Water (to)/Wet (to) |
Mourir | Nku? | Die (to) |
Mousser | Mfi | Froth (to)/Lather (to) |
Moustache | Ndh?nshu | Moustache |
Moustique | Hok | Mosquito |
Mouton | Nzhinzh?? | Sheep |
Moyen | Mb?? | Mean |
Musicien | Njohnshi | Musician |
– N – | ||
Nager | Nnahnshi | Swim (to) |
Nain | Ywat | Pygmy/Short |
Natter | Mb?’ | Braid (to)/Plait (to) |
Nettoyer | Shw?h | Clean (to)/Clear (to) |
Neuf | Fi | New |
Neuf | V?’? | Nine |
Nid | Nkeeh | Nest |
Noir | Sen/Sisi | Black |
Nom | Zen | Name |
Nombre | Mvak | Number |
Nombreux | Y?h/T?nj?h | Numerous |
Nombril | Te’ | Navel |
Non | Nga’ | No |
Nonchalant | Noonoowen | Nonchalant |
Nord | Njamke’ | North |
Notable | Nkam | Notable |
Notre | Yoh | Our |
Nourrir | Nshii | Feed (to) |
Nous | P?h | We |
Nouveau né | Moofi | New-born |
Nouvelle | Ken | News |
Novembre | Nkw?n?? | November |
Noyau | Mba’ | Kernel/Pit/Stone |
Nuage | Ndwahl? | Cloud |
Nuit | Th?’ | Night |
– O – | ||
Obéir | Yu’ni | Obey (to) |
Objet | Wu | Object |
Obliger | Sikwe’nkwe’ | Oblige (to) |
Obscure | Sen | Obscure |
Obscurité | Njam | Obscurity |
Octobre | Nd?’nz? | October |
Odeur | Yat | Odor/Smell |
il | Z?h | Eye |
uf | Pom | Egg |
Offrir | Nh? | Offer |
Oignon | Aniosi | Onion |
Oindre | Nsi’/Njo’ | Anoint |
Oiseau | Sak | Bird |
Ombre | Nini | Shadow |
Ongle | Nkop | Nail |
Onze | Ncoh nsh?’ | Eleven |
Orange | Poma | Orange |
Ordinateur | Sahndo’ | Computer |
Ordure | Gha’zh? | Dirt |
Oreille | Tok | Ear |
Originaire | Mia | Native to/Originating from |
Origine | Ko’sie | Origin |
Orphelin | Mensi | Orphan |
Orteil | Tukhu | Toe |
Os | V?h | Bone |
Ou | O | Or |
Ou bien | Oh | Or else |
Oublier | Nd?h | Forget (to) |
Oui | ?h | Yes |
Ouvrir | Nco’/Ndi’ | Open (to) |
– P – |
Paix |
Mbuani |
Peace |
Palmier |
T?? |
Palm tree |
Panier |
Nshieh |
Basket |
Panthère |
N?hnzhwie |
Panther |
Papa |
Mb?’/Ndhi |
Daddy |
Papier |
C?h |
Paper |
Papillon |
Gahn?h |
Butterfly |
Paquet |
Pu’ |
Package/Parcel |
Parapluie |
Paksi |
Umbrella |
Parce que |
Mbi’tu m? |
Because |
Pardon |
L?hsi |
Forgiveness/Pardon |
Pardonner |
Nd?hsi |
Forgive (to) |
Paresse |
Le’ |
Laziness |
Paresseux |
Nde’ |
Lazy/Sluggish |
Parfois |
Mo’ntam |
Sometimes |
Parler |
Ng?? |
Speak (to)/Talk (to) |
Parole |
Gh?? |
Word |
Partager |
Ng?? |
Divide up (to)/Share (to) |
Partir |
Ngen/Nsh?? |
Go away (to)/Leave (to) |
Partout |
Nkweez?’ |
Everywhere |
Passage |
Nzhi |
Passage |
Passant |
Ntohnzhi |
Passer-by |
Patate |
Njo’ |
Potato |
Pauvre |
Mbok |
Poor |
Payer |
Mbeh |
Pay (to) |
Pays |
L?’ |
Country |
Peaux |
Ngom |
Skin |
Peigne |
Komtu/Satu |
Comb |
Peindre |
Nsi’ |
Paint (to) |
Peler |
Nkuh |
Peel |
Pencher |
Mbeh |
Tip (to)/Tilt (to) |
Pendre |
Ncoh |
Hang |
Pelisse |
Nkw?h |
Fur-line coat |
Percer |
Ndi’ |
Pierce (to) |
Perdre |
Mbieh |
Lose (to)/Waste (to) |
Perdrix |
Sakt??/Sakngap |
Partridge |
Perdu |
Pie |
Lost |
Père |
Mb?’ |
Father |
Permuter |
Ncop |
Change (to)/Permute (to) |
Personne |
Wenok |
Person |
Petit |
Nkoh |
Small |
Pétrole |
Klasi/Nshimoh |
Petrol |
Peur |
Poh |
Fear |
Peut-être |
Mbe’ntie’ |
Perhaps |
Pharmacie |
Nd??hu |
Pharmacy |
Photo |
Nini |
Photograph/Picture |
Phrase |
Nja’nu |
Phrase |
Pied |
Khu |
Foot |
Piège |
Nzh??’ |
Trap |
Pièger |
Nd?’nzh??’ |
Trap (to)/Booby-trap (to) |
Piétiner |
Nca’ |
Trample on (to) |
Piler |
Nth?’ |
Crush (to)/Grind (to) |
Pilon |
Kwe’ |
Pestle |
Piment |
Soh |
Pepper |
Pipe |
Kak |
Pipe |
Piquer |
Nsoh |
Prick (to)/Sting (to) |
Pirogue |
K?nu’ |
Canoe |
Pistache |
Nzh?’ |
Pistachio nut |
Place |
Z?’ |
Place |
Plafond |
Nka’/Nta’nd?? |
Ceiling |
Plaie |
Fak |
Wound |
Planter |
Ntie |
Plant (to)/Stick (to) |
Plein |
Loh |
Full |
Pleurer |
Nge’/Mbak |
Cry (to) |
Pleuvoir |
Ndo |
Rain (to) |
Plier |
N?o’ |
Bend (to)/Fold (to) |
Pluie |
Mbak |
Rain |
Plume |
Fh? |
Feather/Pen |
Poème |
Yohnshini |
poem |
Poil |
Nok |
Hair/Coat/Fur |
Poisson |
Mbienshi |
Fish |
Poitrine |
K?kap |
Chest/Brest |
Politique |
Ngeh |
Politic |
Pomme de terre |
Njo’nd?k |
Potato |
Pondre |
Nj?hmbom |
Lay egg (to) |
Pont |
L??h |
Bridge |
Porc |
Ng?n?h |
Pork |
Porc-épic |
Ngom?t?? |
Porcupine |
Porcherie |
Shiin?h |
Pig farm/Pigsty |
Portable |
Kh?kenmbo |
Mobile/Portable |
Porte |
Nzhind?? |
Door |
Porter |
N??’ |
Carry |
Poux |
Ncat |
Louse |
Poubelle |
Ncofat |
Garbage can |
Poule |
Ngap |
Hen/Chicken |
Poumon |
Pie |
Lung |
Pour |
Na |
For |
Pourquoi |
Nuk? |
Why |
Pourri |
Pie |
Rotten/Bad |
Pourrir |
Mbieh |
Rot |
Poursuivre |
Neh |
Pursue (to) |
Pousser |
Ntie’ |
Push (to) |
Poussière |
Mvob? |
Dust |
Poussin |
Mengap |
Chick |
Premier |
Ntumbhi |
First |
Prendre |
Ndah |
Take (to) |
Prénom |
Shwi’zen |
First name |
Près de |
Ngak |
Next to |
Presque |
Fohb? |
Almost/Nearly |
Presser |
Nehewen |
Press (to)/Squeeze |
Pressoir |
Y??h |
Press |
Prêtre |
Fala/Kamsie |
Priest |
Prière |
L?hsi |
Prayer |
Prison |
Nd??ten? |
Prison/Jail |
Produire |
Njom |
Produce |
Promener |
Nkah |
Take for a walk (to)/Walk |
Propre |
Ndeh |
Clean |
Prune |
Sh??h |
Plum |
Puer |
Ndam |
Stink (to)/Reek (to) |
Puiser |
Ntu’ |
Draw (to)/Dip (to) |
Puit |
Mboknshi |
Well |
Punir |
Ntampih |
Punish (to) |
Purger |
Ncok |
Purge (to) |
Pus |
Fi |
Pus |
– Q – |
Quand |
Sen |
When |
Quantité |
Mvak |
Quantity |
Quarante |
Poo kw? |
Forty |
Quatorze |
Ncoh kw? moo |
Fourteen |
Quatre |
Kw? |
Four |
Quatre vingt |
Poo h?? |
Eighty |
Quatre vingt dix |
Poo v?’? |
Ninety |
Quelque chose |
T?’wu |
Something |
Quelqu’un |
T?’wen |
Somebody |
Question |
Te’sinu |
Question |
Queue |
Kwen |
Tail |
Qui |
W? |
Who |
Quinze |
Ncoh tii moo |
Fifteen |
Quitter |
Ndo |
Leave |
Quoi |
K? |
What |
– R – |
Racine |
Nga’ |
Root |
Raconter |
Mbi’nu/Soknu |
Relate (to/Tell (to)/Tell about (to) |
Radio |
Mbu’nken |
Radio |
Rang |
?ka’ |
Rank |
Rapidement |
M?wah |
Rapidly |
Raser |
Nkoontu |
Shave (to) |
Rat des champs |
Mb??ndom |
Prairie rat |
Récipient |
Nt??nshi |
Recipient |
Recommencer |
Mbatnto’ |
Restart (to) |
Récompenser |
Ndatsi/Ndii |
Reward (to) |
Réconciliation |
N??hsintampenu |
Reconcile |
Reculer |
F?’si |
Move (to)/Step back (to) |
Refaire |
Mbatng? |
Redo (to) |
Réfléchir |
Mm?hsi |
Think (to) |
Refroidir |
Nnii |
Cool (to) |
Refuser |
Nga’ |
Deny (to) |
Regarder |
Nde’si/Njii |
Look at (to)/Watch (to) |
Règles (menstrues) |
M??u |
Menstruation |
Regretter |
Nc?h |
Regret (to) |
Rein |
Mv?’ |
Kidney |
Reine |
M?f? |
Queen |
Remarquer |
Nden |
Notice (to)/Remark (to) |
Rembourser |
Mb?’ |
Refund (to)/Repay (to) |
Remède |
Hu |
Medicine /Medication |
Remercier |
Mben |
Thank (to) |
Remplir |
Ndik |
Fill up (to) |
Remuer |
Nsh?’si |
Move (to)/Stir (to) |
Rencontre |
Mbomsi |
Meeting |
Rencontrer |
Mbom |
Meet (to) |
Rendre |
Mb?’ |
Give back (to)/Return (to) |
Rentrée |
Patnjam |
Return/Reopening |
Rentrer |
Mbatnjam/Mf? |
Return (to) |
Réparer |
Ni?hsi |
Repair (to) |
Repasser |
Nsak |
Iron (to) |
Répondre |
Mb?’ |
Answer (to) |
Réponse |
P?’gh?? |
Answer |
Repos |
Hiesi |
Rest |
Reposer |
Nhiesina |
Rest (to) |
Respect |
Nku’ni |
Respect |
Respecter |
Nku’ni |
Respect (to) |
Respirer |
Njeh |
Breathe (to) |
Ressusciter |
Lo na wu?h |
Resuscitate (to) |
Rester |
Nsi |
Remain (to) |
Résultat |
Nkwatntu |
Result |
Retard |
Nc?h |
Delay/Lateness |
Retourner |
Mfah |
Return (to)/Go back (to) |
Réunion |
Nkweesi/Mbomsi |
Meeting/Reunion |
Réunir |
Nkwee |
Meet |
Réussir |
Ntoh |
Succeed (to) |
Rêve |
Nj?? |
Dream |
Réveiller |
Njom |
Awake (to)Wake (to)/Wake up (to) |
Rêver |
Njiinj?? |
Dream (to) |
Révision |
Patnjii |
Revision/Law review |
Revolver |
Ngah |
Gun/Revolver |
Richesse |
Mfh?’ |
Wealth |
Rien |
Nehe/S?hwu |
Nothing |
Rincer |
Ndehsi |
Rinse (to) |
Rire |
Nzhwieh |
Laugh (to) |
Riz |
Nkwend?k |
Rice |
Roi |
F?? |
King |
Ronfler |
Nkhu |
Snore (to)/Roar (to) |
Rosée |
M?’ |
Dew |
Roue |
Khu |
Wheel |
Rouge |
Pa’ |
Red |
Rouler |
Nzaksi |
Roll (to) |
Route |
M?nzhi |
Road |
Ruche |
Mboo?w?’ |
Hive |
– S – |
Sable |
San?san? |
Sand |
Sac |
P??h |
Bag |
Sacré |
Yo’si |
Holy/Sacred |
Sacrifice |
Ndoo |
Sacrifice |
Sain |
Nten |
Healthy |
Saison |
Ntie’nz? |
Season |
Salaire |
Peemf?’ |
Salary |
Saleté |
Ncahncah |
Dirt |
Salir |
Mvensi |
Soil (to)/Sully (to) |
Salive |
Ntie/K?kah |
Saliva |
Salon |
Nd??moon |
Living room/Sitting room |
Saluer |
Nc?’si |
Great (to)/Say hello (to) |
Sang |
Nsi |
Blood |
Sans |
Si |
Without |
Santé |
V?h |
Health |
Sarcler |
Nso |
Weed out (to) |
Sauce |
N?’ |
Gravy |
Sauf |
Nd?’ |
Unarmed |
Sauter |
Ndat |
Jump (to) |
Sautiller |
Ndatsi |
Hop (to)/Jump about (to) |
Savoir |
Nzhi |
Know |
Savon |
Soh |
Soap |
Scinder |
Ng?? |
Split up (to) |
Scintiller |
Nd?’si |
Sparkle (to)/Scintillate (to) |
Scorpion |
Ng?h |
Scorpion |
Sécher |
Njeh |
Dry (to) |
Sècheresse |
Gha’ |
Dryness/Drought |
Secouer |
Nsh?’ |
Shake (to) |
Secret |
Cam |
Secret |
Secrétaire |
K?lak |
Secretary |
Seigneur |
Sh??p??/Sie |
Lord |
Sein |
Pen |
Breast |
Seize |
Ncoh ntoho |
Sixteen |
Sel |
Ngwa’ |
Salt |
Semaine |
Ngahnz? |
Week |
Semer |
Ntieh |
Sow (to) |
Sentir |
Ndam |
Smell |
Sept |
S?mb?? |
Seven |
Septembre |
Kuku’ |
September |
Serpent |
Nu |
Snake |
Serviette |
Shwahna |
Towel |
Seul |
Mb?ndokwen |
Alone |
Sève |
Nk?h |
Sap |
Sévère |
Ncoh |
Severe |
Siècle |
Ngu’nkh? |
Century |
Siffler |
Nte’ |
Whistle (to) |
Siffloter |
Nte’k?h |
Whistle softly |
Signature |
Tiepo/Lenwen |
Signature |
Silhouette |
Nini |
Shadow/Silhouette |
Sillon |
N??h |
Furrow |
Singe |
Nkee |
Monkey |
Sinon |
Si fa’ b? |
Otherwise |
Six |
Toho |
Six |
Sketch |
S?? |
Sketch |
Soigner |
Mf?’nka’ |
Look after (to)/Nurse (to) |
Soir |
Mbu?nz? |
Evening |
Soixante |
Poo ntoho |
Sixty |
Soixante dix |
Poo s?mb?? |
Seventy |
Soleil |
Nam |
Sun |
Sommeil |
Loh |
Sleep/Sleepiness |
Sortir |
Ntom |
Go out (to) |
Souffler |
Mfoh |
Blow (to) |
Souffrance |
Ng??’ |
Suffering |
Souffrir |
Njii ng??’ |
Suffer (to) |
Soulever |
Mb?’ |
Lift (to)/Raise (to) |
Sourd |
Mbu’ntok |
Dull/Unable to hear |
Sperme |
Nawen |
Sperm/Semen |
Squelette |
Nshwiina |
Skeleton |
Succ?der |
Nz?nd?? |
Succeed (to)/Inherit (to) |
Successeur |
Nz?nd?? |
Successor |
Sucer |
Nne’ |
Suck (to) |
Sucré |
Ndamsak |
Sweet |
Sucrer |
Ndamsi |
Sugar (to)/Sweeten (to) |
Sud |
Njamdak |
South |
Sueur |
Zi’ |
Sweat |
Supporter |
Camsi |
Support (to)/Tolerate (to) |
Surlendemain |
Njamnz?waha |
Second day |
Surveiller |
Ndensi |
Keep (to)/Watch over (to) |
– T – |
Tabac |
Nd?p?’ |
Tobacco |
Tableau |
Sipah |
Blackboard |
Taille |
Nthina |
Height |
Taire |
Nda’ |
Suppress (to)/Hush up (to) |
Tambour |
Ntoo |
Drum |
Tamtam |
Ntoo |
Gong/Tom-tom |
Tâter |
Moosi |
Touch (to)/Feel (to) |
Téléphone |
Kh?ken/Yu’m?ng?? |
Telephone |
Télévision |
Yim?nju’ |
Television |
Tenir |
Ncop/Nt?h |
Hold (to) |
Terminer |
Meh |
End (to)/Finish (to)/Terminate (to) |
Termite |
Ngo’ |
Termite |
Termitière |
Ndomngo’ |
Termite-hill/Nest |
Terre |
C?’ |
Ground |
Testament |
T?hnd?? |
Law will |
Testicule |
Z?n |
Testicle |
Tête |
Tu |
Head |
Têter |
Nne’pen |
Suck (to)/Suckle (to) |
Têtue |
Ntentu |
Stubborn |
Tirer |
Mfak |
Pull (to) |
Tirer (balle) |
Ntam |
Fire (to)/Shoot (to) |
Toi |
Wo |
You |
Toilette |
Z?’nz?’ |
Toilet |
Toit |
Ndomnd?? |
Roof |
Tombeau |
Fieh |
Tomb/ Grave |
Tomber |
Nco |
Fall (to) |
Tonnerre |
Gha’mbak |
Thunder |
Tordre |
Nz?’ |
Twist (to) |
Tortue |
Shim?ko’ |
Tortoise/Turtle |
Tôt |
W?’ |
Early |
Total |
Nkweeyah |
Total |
Totem |
Yeewen |
Totem |
Toujours |
Si’fa’ |
Always |
Tourner |
Nsat |
Turn (to) |
Tousser |
Ncweh |
Cough (to) |
Tout |
Nkweeyah |
All |
Tradition |
Nkeh |
Tradition |
Traduire |
Fahgh?? |
Translate (to) |
Trahir |
Nzaknjam |
Betray (to) |
Trait |
?ka’ |
Line |
Traître |
Nzak fenmb?? |
Traitor |
Transpirer |
Nzi’ |
Perspire (to)/Sweat (to) |
Travail |
F?’ |
Work |
Travailler |
Mf?’ |
Work (to) |
Travailleur |
Nga’f?’ |
Worker |
Treize |
Ncoh taa moo |
Thirteen |
Trembler |
Nsak |
Tremble (to)/Shake (to)/Quiver (to) |
Tremper |
Ndat |
Soak (to) |
Trente |
Poo taa |
Thirty |
Trente six |
Ncoh toho poo taa |
Thirty six |
Très |
T?’ |
Very much/Most |
Très sale |
Pi’ t?’ |
Too dirty |
Très petit |
Koh t?’ |
Too small |
Tresser |
Nb?’/Nkwat |
Braid (to)/Weave (to) |
Tribunal |
Nd??nca’ |
Court |
Tricher |
Niisindah |
Cheat (to) |
Trier |
Ntiah |
Sort (to) |
Triompher |
Nzam |
Triumph (to) |
Trois |
Taa |
Three |
Tromper |
Mf?? |
Mislead (to) |
Tronc |
Mfh?’ |
Truck |
Trône |
Lakf?? |
Throne |
Trou |
Mbok |
Hole |
Troubler |
Mva’ |
Disturb (to) |
Trouer |
Ndi’ |
Make a hole (to) |
Troupeau |
Nk?h |
Flock |
Tsé-tsé (mouche) |
Hok |
Mosquito |
Tuer |
Nzhi |
Kill (to) |
– U – |
Ultime |
Ndehsi |
Ultimate |
Un |
T?’/Nsh?’ |
One |
Unanime |
Shunsh?’ |
Unanimous |
Union |
Nkweesi |
Union |
Université |
Suku Ndam? |
University |
Uriner |
Nsih |
Urinate (to) |
– V – |
Va |
Ghen |
Go |
Vacance |
Hiesi |
Vacation |
Vache |
He’ |
Cow |
Vagin |
Mv? |
Vagina |
Vaillant |
Shwina |
Valiant/Brave |
Vaincre |
Nzam |
Defeat (to) |
Valise |
Poksi |
Suitcase |
Vampire |
Ndam |
Vampire |
Vanter |
Ntoah/Nk?’si |
Praise (to) |
Vapeur |
Yat |
Steam/Vapor |
Velu |
Noknokwen |
Hairy |
Vendre |
Mfen |
Sell (to) |
Venir |
Ns?’ |
Come (to) |
Ventre |
Mvam |
Stomach |
Verbe |
Gh?? |
Verb/Word |
Verge |
Kwah |
Rod |
Vérité |
Ndinde |
Truth |
Verre |
Ntu’ |
Glass |
Verser |
Mfi’/Nse’ |
Pour (to) |
Vert(e) |
Ya’hie |
Green |
Vertical |
Ntitih |
Vertical |
Veste |
Nkuti |
Jacket |
Vêtement |
Ndhi |
Garment |
Vêtir |
Cwen |
Clothe (to)/Dress (to) |
Viande |
Mb?? |
Meat |
Vieillard |
Venmba’ |
Old man |
Vieillir |
Mven |
Age (to) |
Vierge |
Lehtia |
Virgin |
Vieux |
Mven |
Old |
Village |
Mbee |
Village |
Villageois |
Wenmbee |
Villager |
Ville |
Tuse’ |
City/Town |
Vin |
Ndu’ |
Wine |
Vingt |
Poo p??/Moo mb?? |
Twenty |
Vipère |
Finu |
Viper |
Virage |
N?o’nzhi |
Turning |
Visage |
Si |
Face |
Visite (rendre…) |
Ngee/Njwe’ |
Visit |
Visiter |
Ngeewen |
Visit (to) |
Vite |
M?wah |
Quickly/Fast/Soon |
Vitesse |
Vam |
Speed |
Voir |
Njii |
See (to) |
Voisin |
Nga’kamnd?? |
Neighbor |
Voiture |
M?toa |
Car |
Voix |
Nzhi |
Voice |
Voler |
Mfuah |
Fly (to) |
Voler |
Nzh?? |
Steal (to) |
Voleur |
Ncwe’ |
Robber/Thief |
Volonté |
Nkwe’ni |
Will/Willpower |
Vomir |
Nd?’ |
Vomit |
Vote |
Nto’nto’ |
Vote |
Votre |
Yih |
Your |
Vouloir |
Nkwe’ |
Want (to) |
Vous |
Pen |
You |
Voyage |
Ghentom |
Journey |
Voyelle |
Nzhinte’ |
Vowel |
– W – |
Wagon |
K?l?k |
Wagon |
– X – |
Xylophone |
Poonja’ |
Xylophone |
– Y – |
Yeux |
Nn?h |
Eyes |
– Z – |
Zéro |
Nehe |
Zero |
Zone |
Camz?’ |
Zone |
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